About Me

I am a stay at home mom.  Sort of.  There is nothing I love more than spending time with my boys, both under the age of three and finding fun things to do with my toddler that will help the both of us learn something.  With a background in journalism and a past career in new home sales, and my love for all things clean home related I decided to start a blog, a cleaning business, become an Independent Scentsy Consultant (selling wickless candles and all the goodies that go along with them), and share any tricks of the trade that I can find with you.  I am a bit compulsive (maybe too much so) when it comes to the cleanliness of my home and so I decided that while I love spending most of my time with my maniacal little fellas, I really missed putting on my Ipod and just getting down to business scrubbing toilets without having a little one tugging on my pants leg or dipping their hands in the toilet while I clean.  This is why I decided I would start cleaning other people's houses; to get that instant gratification that a spotless bathroom always provides, because let's face it, I'm not getting that at home anymore with two children that seemingly have six arms a piece.